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 HVAC Control

 Clean Rooms

 Energy Management

 Environmental Testing

 Leak Detection

 Fume Hood Control

 R & D Scientific

 Medical Instrumentation








Full Scale Pressure Output

Model 239 (Voltage):

Model C239 (Current) : 20 mA

Unidirectional :5 VDC

Bi-directional : ±2.5 VDC

Zero Pressure Output


4 mA

Accuracy (RSS Method)

±0.14% Full Scale

Type of Pressure


Pressure Ranges

Unidirectional : 0 to 0.5, 1, 2.5, 5, 15, 30 in.WC

0 to 5, 10 psid

Bi-directional : 0 to ±0.25, ±0.5, ±1, ±2.5, ±7.5, ±15 in. WC

0 to ±2.5, ±5 psid

Thermal Effects

Compensated Range °F (°C) : 30 to 150 (-1 to 65)

%FS/100°F(100°C)max.zero : ±1.0 (±1.8)

%FS/100°F(100°C)max.span : ±1.0 (±1.8)


 Positive Pressure:
    Gases or liquid compatible with stainless steel, hard anodized
    6061 aluminum (Buna N "O" Ring).
 Reference Pressure:
    Clean dry air or other gases (Non-corrosive, non-condensable).