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 HVAC & VAV Control

 Energy Management Systems


 Environmental Pollution Control

 Oven Pressurization & Furnace

 Draft Control

 Lab and Fume Hood Control

 Medical Instrumentation








Electrical Output Voltage

0 to 5 VDC

Bidirectional Output

(Voltage) at Zero Pressure

2.5 VDC

Electrical Output Current

4 to 20 mA

Accuracy (RSS Method)

¡¾1.0% FS (¡¾0.4% FS & ¡¾0.25% FS optional)

Type of Pressure

Very Low Differential

Pressure Ranges

Unidirectional : 0 to 0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 1, 2.5, 3, 5, 10, 15, 25, 50, 100 in. WC

Bi-directional : 0 to ¡¾0.05, ¡¾0.1, ¡¾0.25, ¡¾0.5, ¡¾1, ¡¾1.5, ¡¾2.5, ¡¾ 5,

¡¾7.5, ¡¾10, ¡¾25, ¡¾50, in. WC


Typically air or similar non-conducting gases


Conduit Cover : Electrical Enclosure for Model 264 Series

Pressure Transducers - Allows conduit connection for pressure

transducer termination.